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WorldWild Podcast

 Episode 55  4th March 2022

Whispers of Better Things with Duncan Mackay

Duncan Mackay talks with us about his lifelong work in reconnecting people with nature. Throughout his work in various environmental groups, a core belief shines: that to care for nature, you have to believe you belong to it. We talk land access, 'new commons', law of the forest and the freedom to pick your neighbour's dandelion...


'Foraging is one of those essential roots to care for landscapes, care for biodiversity…

There’s got to be a trigger, a starting point to the knowledge journey, but also access to this landscape'

About Duncan Mackay


Duncan Mackay is a lot of things: an elected member of the council of the National Trust, a Fellow of the Landscape Institute, a co-opted member of the Council of the Canal and River Trust, he is on an advisory board of the Land Trust, and is a charity Trustee of the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. He is also an author of many books - including 'Whispers of Better Things' (Two Rivers Press, 2017) & 'Eat Wild' (Two Rivers Press, 2010) - as well as an artist, ciderist, poet, and founder of the Institute of Beachology. In a previous life, he worked in national conservation agencies and he can often be found on beaches.

Further reading

About the show


We offer a series of conversations to tap into the wildness within ourselves and to uncover what is possible when we do. It is our hope that through the WorldWild Podcast we can contribute to the revitalisation of wild food culture and conversation around the world.


Through people who know their landscapes intimately, we gather the threads to weave a rich tapestry. Piece by piece the vision of a wilder world comes into view. The wild embrace of nature welcomes us back and offers us a seat at the table. A feast, no less!



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